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How to Consider Climate Change Efforts Abroad

If you’re considering studying abroad and are an advocate for fighting climate change, you may have some conflicting feelings. On the one hand, you desire to travel the world to expand your knowledge of other cultures and yourself, and on the other hand, you’re concerned about how travel impacts the environment.

While hopping on a plane across the world seems counterintuitive to reducing your carbon footprint, there are positive ways to relate study abroad to climate change. Your study abroad can expose you to resources and people around the world who are making impactful strides in sustainability. And there are even opportunities to make a difference in your study abroad location, in the same ways you would be doing back home.

So, if you’re worried about climate change, don’t count out study abroad. With a little research, you can take your study abroad opportunity and passion for climate change on the same journey.

Research each nation’s conservation efforts

There are several sustainable tourism groups and organizations that vet locations for their efforts to mitigate climate change.

  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) publishes a Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas. To be certified as a "Green Listed," the location must achieve its goals for protecting or conserving the area while also showing respect for the local community values.
  • The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) established and manages global standards for travel companies, hotels, transportation providers, and other vendors for their impact on the environment. Each one is evaluated on their socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental impacts, as well as their sustainable business practices.

Choose a location known for sustainability

Several countries worldwide are recognized for their sustainability efforts. In fact, the following USAC programs are on the list of the most sustainable countries in the world, and plenty of other destinations are making large strides to safeguard the environment.

Take action during your study abroad

Once you find a location leading the way in environmentalism and sustainability, explore each program's course offerings and field trip activities. There are even internship or volunteer opportunities where you can lend a helping hand or gain valuable knowledge that you can take home with you.

Discover sustainability efforts in USAC program locations