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Culture, Identity, and Society Abroad

International experience is valued by employers.A woman standing with her back toward the camera in traditional Japanese attire in front of a Japanese pagoda.

Research has shown 60% of all job postings list requirements for global skill such as cultural awareness, foreign language skills, and an understanding of diversity.
When you study abroad, you'll gain cross-cultural experience which makes you a highly sought after job candidate.

With USAC, you can stay on track with your degree and give your resume a boost, all while getting the experience of a lifetime. So, what are you waiting for? Discover popular culture, identity, and society courses below and get started today.

Stay on track

USAC offers two different program models - Specialty and Partnership. You can choose to align your study abroad experience with your academic needs by browsing popular course subjects and their available program locations, below.

  • Specialty Programs are run by an on-site USAC Resident Director (RD) and may include classes with other USAC students.
  • Partnership Programs are run by the international programs office and staff at the foreign university.
Common Course Subjects
  • Anthropology
  • Arts and Culture
  • Australian Studies
  • Chinese Studies
  • Culture Studies
  • East Asian Studies
  • Ethnic Studies
  • European Studies
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Gender, Race, and Identity Studies
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Italian Studies
  • Japanese Studies
  • Latin American Studies
  • Middle East Studies
  • Museum Studies
  • Popular Culture
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Women's/Gender Studies
Specialty Locations

Specialty Course Info

Partnership Locations

Partnership Course Info