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Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathmatics Abroad

International experience is valued by employers.An engineering student wearing a white coat while in a lab.

Logically speaking, you almost have to study abroad to land your dream job. American economic modeling firm, EMSI, published research that found more than 31 million U.S. job openings required skills that students learn while abroad. The report specifically recommends business leaders train their human resources staff to hone in on job candidates with hands-on experience overseas.

With USAC, you can stay on track with your degree and give your resume a boost, all while getting the experience of a lifetime.

"Academically, the experience was equally rewarding. Engaging with international faculty members at the Valencia Polytechnic University and learning from experts in their fields broadened my intellectual horizons. The diverse academic environment challenged me to think critically, adapt to different teaching styles, and tackle real-world issues from multiple angles."
— Elle H., USAC Valencia

Stay on track

USAC offers two different program models - Specialty and Partnership. You can choose to align your study abroad experience with your academic needs by browsing popular course subjects and their available program locations, below.

  • Specialty Programs are run by an on-site USAC Resident Director (RD) and may include classes with other USAC students.
  • Partnership Programs are run by the international programs office and staff at the foreign university.
Specialty Course Subjects
  • Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • Differential Equations
  • Engineering
  • Materials Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
  • Statics
Specialty Locations
Partnership Course Subjects