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Official USAC Logos

The book and flower emblem is our primary graphic identifier and is the only symbol to be used to represent University Studies Abroad Consortium. The open and elevated book renders the act of reading and learning. The pages on the right-hand side transform into the pedals of an eguzkilore flower. Known as the “Flower of the Sun” (eguzki for sun, lore for flower), this unique wild thistle (Carlina acaulis) has sacred meaning to the Basque people and honors our nonprofit’s first overseas program.

The following are the official approved logos of the USAC brand. USAC logos should not be altered in any way. If you’re unsure about selecting the appropriate logo, contact us at

USAC logo
USAC wordmark logo

Download USAC Logos

*USAC Global access required to download assets.


Only use the USAC logo in accent blue and highlight purple, or black and white. Adhering to this rule will help reinforce brand consistency over time and across logo applications.

Clear space guidelines

Keep a minimum clear space around the logo. The minimum clear space for the USAC logo is defined as the height of the “U” in the wordmark.

This clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements such as other logos, copy, photography or background patterns that might divert attention. This minimum space must be maintained as the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size.

USAC logo
USAC wordmark logo