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Valencia Courses – 2025 Summer – Research Assistantship

Studying abroad can be a more meaningful and invigorating learning experience than at home—both inside and outside of the classroom. You may be more curious and alert than you usually are so use this heightened energy to enhance your studies as well as your cultural and geographical explorations. You may also encounter different teaching styles and course processes; be prepared to adapt and to learn.

See below for STEM research assistantship program details


You may take three to six credits per session. At least one 3-credit course is required each session you are enrolled. Course availability is contingent upon student enrollment and is subject to change.

Click the course title to view course details, description, and availability.

Spanish Language and Culture Studies

Summer language courses are intensive, with one to five credits of Spanish taught in each session. Language courses generally have a maximum enrollment of 15 students each. Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills is highly recommended to complement Intermediate Spanish I through Advanced Spanish II.

Sessions I and II

  • Summer Session I
    Spanish 200-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish

    This course is designed to help learners of Spanish to develop basic communicative competence and critical thinking skills. It offers an intensive study and practice of the productive and receptive language skills in the oral and written modes. The main emphasis of this track is on communication.

    Prerequisite: two semesters of college-level Spanish, or equivalent

  • Summer Session II
    Spanish 200-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish

    This course is designed to help learners of Spanish to develop basic communicative competence and critical thinking skills. It offers an intensive study and practice of the productive and receptive language skills in the oral and written modes. The main emphasis of this track is on communication.

    Prerequisite: three semesters of college-level Spanish, or equivalent

  • Summer Session I
    Spanish 400-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish
    Summer Session II
    Spanish 400-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish

    This course is designed for students who may manage in daily tasks and interactions, but still need to improve their control over different oral and written registers. In addition, these courses will offer them the opportunity to enhance their vocabulary in specific and technical areas, and to improve grammatical accuracy in their oral and written expression.

    Prerequisite: six semesters of college-level Spanish, or equivalent

  • Summer Session I
    Spanish 300-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish
    Summer Session II
    Spanish 300-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish

    This course is an optional course that complements the development of the linguistic skills facilitated in Spanish classes, emphasizing the verbal mode of the Spanish language. It aims to improve students' ability to maintain a sustained monologue as well as social interactions.

    Prerequisite: Two semesters of college-level Spanish, or equivalent, or instructor approval

  • Summer Session I
    Spanish 300-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish
    Summer Session II
    Spanish 300-level 3 credits Taught in Spanish

    This course is for students interested in health and its various subfields (medicine, public health, bioethics, medical humanities, psychology, health law, politics, etc.). It provides the student with language competence to communicate in specific medical activities in different contexts. Moreover, there will be a strong focus on analyzing the Spanish health system and its current changes. It will also focus on the differences with the US health system and the cultural differences between these countries and between the Hispanic communities living in the US. Finally, there will be a focus on the current legislation of the Spanish public healthcare system, which students will compare with other public systems.

    Prerequisite: four semesters of college-level Spanish, or equivalent

  • Summer Session I
    100-level 1 credit Taught in English
    Summer Session II
    100-level 1 credit Taught in English

    This course is offered by a local windsurfing school at one of the best surfing locations for beginners: Valencia. The class will meet 11 times for 2.5 hours each session. The programmed order of sessions is subject to changes for reasons beyond our control, such as inclement weather, strong rip currents, etc. The windsurf school will provide all necessary equipment (including wetsuits), as well as a changing area and a locker room.

    Prerequisite: Swimming ability strongly advised

    This course has an additional fee

Science, Engineering, Math and Business Electives

The following courses offer a wide range of subject matter to provide a multidisciplinary perspective to your studies.

Session I

  • Summer Session I
    Biology Chemistry 300-level 3 credits Taught in English

    Biotechnology is a rapidly evolving field that has a profound impact on healthcare, the environment, and the economy. However, with every scientific advancement, safety and ethical concerns arise. Topics covered include but are not limited to genetic engineering, cloning, stem cell research, production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, the human genome project, bioremediation, food biotechnology, and biofuels. For each topic, students will learn the fundamental scientific principles underlying each and debate on the societal implications, ethics, commercialization, regulation, and animal and environmental welfare in relation to modern biotechnology applications.

  • Summer Session I
    Mathematics 200-level 3 credits Taught in English
    Summer Session II
    Mathematics 200-level 3 credits Taught in English

    Theory and solving techniques for constant and variable coefficient linear equations, a variety of non-linear equations. Emphasis on those differential equations arising from real-world phenomena, particularly in Engineering applications.

    Prerequisite: Calculus II (passed with a "C" or better). Calculus III recommended

  • Summer Session I
    Mathematics 100-level 4 credits Taught in English

    This course is a Continuation of Calculus I; transcendental functions, methods of integration, conics, vectors.

Session II

  • Summer Session II
    Mathematics 300-level 3 credits Taught in English

    Introductory course emphasizing techniques of linear algebra with applications to engineering; topics include matrix operations, determinants, linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, inner products, norms, and orthogonality.

    Linear algebra might be considered a mathematical toolkit for analyzing data and geometry. In virtually every area of human endeavor, data and geometry are or can be used to further understanding and to assist in making predictions. Indeed, linear algebra is behind the majority of technical and scientific discoveries.

    Prerequisites: Calculus III

  • Summer Session I
    Mathematics 200-level 3 credits Taught in English
    Summer Session II
    Mathematics 200-level 3 credits Taught in English

    Theory and solving techniques for constant and variable coefficient linear equations, a variety of non-linear equations. Emphasis on those differential equations arising from real-world phenomena, particularly in Engineering applications.

    Prerequisite: Calculus II (passed with a "C" or better). Calculus III recommended

  • Summer Session II
    Mechanical Engineering 200-level 3 credits Taught in English

    The engineering of humanity’s superstructure marvels all started with the basic statics of equilibrium (Newton’s First Law). This introductory course on statics (required of most engineering and architecture programs) includes topics of force decomposition, equilibrium of force systems, friction, centroids, moments of inertia, cables, beams, fluid statics, and work.

    Prerequisite: Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Calculus II (may be taken as a co-requisite)

To request a course syllabus:


(Not for credit)

  • Summer Session I
    Summer – Research Assistantship
    Summer Session II

    Please join us for a fun workshop that introduces local Spanish cuisine in a hands-on kitchen environment. Authentic preparations and tastings of several local dishes including paella valenciana, lentejas estofadas con chorizo, and semifrío de chocolate y coco will be taught. The chef will provide insight on local food customs and traditions while giving you the opportunity to learn how to prepare this at home along with to enjoy it in class!

Summer STEM Research Assistantship Program

Academic Details

Total Credit

6 credits

Required Courses

Research Assistantship (3 credits, 200/300/400-level)

  • Projects available in the following fields at the Universidad Politècnica de València (UPV)
    • Agrofood and Biotechnology
    • Architecture
    • Sciences: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Health Technology
    • Civil Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Information Technology
  • ~150 total hours
  • 15 hours required per week

USAC elective selected from available course offerings (3 credits)

  • Two semesters of college-level Spanish (some research labs may have a higher language proficiency requirements)
  • STEM majors and minors
  • Students must complete an additional host university internship application in English and Spanish
Optional Credit & Activities Students may register for an additional 1-3 credits of USAC courses and participate in optional program activities as work schedules allow

Apply Now

For more information on eligibility requirements and application process see the USAC internship page.