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Reverse culture shock

What is reverse culture shock, and how can you navigate it?

Your study abroad experience has become an integral part of who you are. For many students, returning to their home country is as challenging as adjusting to the culture when they first arrived in their host country - we're here to help.

Most students go through a bit of culture shock when they land in another country. It is expected and absolutely normal. But, did you know that the same can be said when you go back home?

Whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, you just experienced a major life event living abroad. You adjusted your daily routine to a different way of life. Now that you’re back, things may seem different. It’s a condition referred to as “reverse culture shock.” It can be just as alarming as your first days at your program site.

Graph displaying a timeline of reverse culture shock.

Find more details and tips for going through this process of reacclimating back to your home country. Overall, you will learn more about yourself, your beliefs, and your goals during this time.