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Reconnect and share

The links on this page point to the growing community of savvy travelers and new connections. Join us to get advice for reacclimating to life in the U.S., find new opportunities to travel abroad, share your experiences, or simply become part of a community of people who were also inspired by living overseas for a while.

Share your experiences

Help someone decide if a study abroad program is right for them by showing people exactly what daily life is like in another country. We offer a variety of opportunities for future students, current students, and alumni to contribute and showcase their amazing experiences on our podcast, blog, and social media channels.

Screenshot of USAC Study Abroad News blog webpage.Blog stories

Write for the USAC Study Abroad News blog. Once-in-a-lifetime experiences, big wins, and special moments are all welcome on the blog. It's a place for news items and the timely tips and tricks you learned while overseas that will help a student researching how to make their study abroad experience go as smooth as possible.

THE Study Abroad Pod podcast logo with student photo grid in the background.Podcast episodes

Be a featured guest on THE Study Abroad Pod. Like you, hearing first-hand how to prepare to go abroad, what to do, and what it's like returning to the United States makes all the difference. Alumni are specifically positioned help students learn how to use study abroad experiences to achieve career goals.

Grid of 6 photos of students experiencing studying abroad in various locations around the world.Social media posts

Share your videos and photos of life abroad on Instagram or TikTok. Whether it's just a quick moment that made you happy or a comprehensive video about a day in the life in your host country, social media is where many students start their search. You never know: your experience could help a student decide to go on your program, too.

Connect on social media

Follow and tag us on social media with @studyabroadusac

Instagram logo TikTok logo YouTube logo LinkedIn logo USAC podcast icon image of a microphone

Join our Alumni Group on LinkedIn

The Alumni LinkedIn group is a place for you to connect, share experiences, impart wisdom, and make new relationships via the group across the world.

Join the USAC Alumni Group

Be a USAC content creator

If you have a knack for creating fun and memorable social media content and want to show students that a term abroad will really help them in the long run, let’s work together. Fill out an application to share your story on our social media platforms.

Apply to be a USAC content creator

Rate your study abroad experience

Please take a minute to rate your program on Go Overseas, Go Abroad, and/or Study Abroad 101. These are online search directories for study abroad programs and they also allow students to post their own reviews. Your feedback is very useful to future students.

Shop USAC merch

Choose from a variety of apparel and gift options made for world travelers. All proceeds help fund scholarships for University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) students.