Liberal Arts - English Advising Guide
English, Film and Media Studies, Literature, Theater, and Writing
The following USAC Specialty programs offer courses and internships targeted to the academic needs and interests of English, Film and Media Studies, Literature, Theater, and Writing.
Please visit program course pages for course descriptions and terms offered; and meet with your academic advisor to see how you can best fit study abroad into your university degree program. Syllabi are available upon request at
Disciplines by Specialty Program Location
Chile | Costa Rica | Czech Republic | France | Germany |India | Ireland | Italy
Spain | Uruguay
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Santiago |
Survey of Latin American Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Latin American Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Cinema |
3 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Poetry |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Short Story and Essay |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Writing for Strategic Communications |
3 |
Costa Rica
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Heredia |
Survey of Latin American Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Cinema |
3 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Poetry |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Women and Gender in Literature |
3 |
Czech Republic
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Prague |
Alternative Culture, Literature, Music, and Lifestyles |
3 |
WLL 400 |
Behind Reality: Czech Documentaries |
3 |
ART/FILM 400 |
Czech Cinema - Image and Memory |
3 |
FILM/WLL 300 |
Experiments in Czech Film |
3 |
FILM/WLL 300 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Lyon |
Francophone Women Writers |
3 |
WLL/WS 400 |
Survey of French Literature I |
3 |
FREN/WLL 300 |
Survey of French Literature II |
3 |
FREN/WLL 300 |
Travel Writing |
3 |
ENG 300 |
Understanding the French Bande Dessinee |
3 |
FREN/WLL 400 |
Pau |
European Cinema |
3 |
FREN/WLL 300 |
French Theatre: Moliere |
3 |
Language and Cinema |
3 |
Survey of French Literature I |
3 |
FREN/WLL 300 |
Survey of French Literature II |
3 |
FREN/WLL 300 |
Theater in French |
1 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary French Literature |
3 |
FREN/WLL 400 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Lüneburg |
Contemporary German Literature |
3 |
GER/WLL 300 |
German Cinema |
3 |
FILM/GER 200 |
German Fairy Tales |
3 |
GER/WLL 300 |
Myths and Legends |
3 |
GER/WLL 300 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Bengaluru |
Bollywood: India through Film |
3 |
ENG/FILM 300 |
Documentary Filmmaking |
3 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Galway |
Modern Irish Literature: From Celtic Twilight to Celtic Tiger |
3 |
ENG 400 |
Re-Staging Irishness: Pasts, Presents, and Futures of Irish Theatre |
3 |
ENG/THTR 400 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Viterbo |
Contemporary Italian Cinema |
3 |
FILM/WLL 400 |
Survey of Italian Literature I |
3 |
ITAL 300 |
Travel Writing |
3 |
ENG/JOUR 300 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Alicante |
Intercultural Communication in Professional Contexts |
3 |
ENG/COM 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Narrative |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Poetry |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Short Story |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Bilbao |
Survey of Spanish Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Madrid |
LGBTQIA+ Spain |
3 |
GRI/SOC 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary European History and Cinema |
3 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish History and Cinema |
3 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Narrative |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Short Stories |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
San Sebastián |
Survey of Spanish Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Spanish Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Poetry |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 400 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Theatre |
3 |
Program City |
Course Title |
Credits |
Area/Level |
Montevideo |
Cinema of Uruguay and Argentina |
3 |
Survey of Latin American Literature I |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Survey of Latin American Literature II |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Short Story and Essay |
3 |
SPAN/WLL 300 |
Updated: 7 Apr 2023
Course offerings must meet minimum enrollments and are subject to change.