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Business UNR Specialty Advising Guide

Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Information Systems, Management, and Marketing

The following USAC Specialty programs offer courses and internships targeted to the academic needs and interests of Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Information Systems, Management, and Marketing.

Please visit program course pages for course descriptions and terms offered; and meet with your academic advisor to see how you can best fit study abroad into your University of Nevada, Reno degree program. Syllabi are available upon request at

Disciplines by Specialty Program Location

Chile | China | Czech Republic | France | Germany |India | Italy | Spain | Thailand | Uruguay


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America MGT 494
International Political Economy and Business PSC 407S
Marketing and Social Media MKT 492
Marketing Principles MKT 210
Social Entrepreneurship ENT 493
Sustainable Business MGT 491
Writing for Strategic Communications SPAN 316


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Shanghai China Phenomenon: Society, Politics, and Business PSC 407F
Chinese Business Issues and Pracatices MGT 489
Chinese for Business Professionals CHI 409
Corporate Finance FIN 301
Entrepreneurship in a Global Market ENT 493
International Business Management MGT 480
International Financial Management FIN 308
International Marketing MKT 456
Managing in a Global Economy with Emphasis on China MGT 491
Marketing Principles MKT 210

Czech Republic

Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Global Economy BUS 400
International Management MGT 480
Marketing Principles MKT 210
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Digital Marketing BUS/MKT 300
International Business BUS/MGT 300


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Luneburg Business Ethics and Sustainability MGT 485
German for Business and Professional Use WLL 495
Intercultural Communication COM 412
International Business MGT 480
Operations Management SCM 352


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Bengaluru Family to Franchise: Conducting Business in India MGT 491
Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship ENT 493


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Torino Business Ethics and Fair Trade MGT 325
Business Leadership, Management, and Teamwork MGT 491
Human Resource Management MGT 367
Intercultural Communication COM 412
International Marketing MKT 456
International Sports Business MGT 491
International Strategic Management MGT 491
Marketing Principles MKT 210
Operations Management SCM 352
Supply Chain Management SCM 352
Business Communications ENG 333
Corporate Finance FIN 301
Event Management MGT 491
Fashion Marketing and Merchandising MKT 492
Food and Beverage Tourism BUS 400
Global Business Management: The Viticulture and Wine Industry MGT 491
Intercultural Communication COM 412
International Business MGT 480
International Marketing MKT 456
International Strategic Management MGT 480
International Tourism Management MGT 480
Marketing Principles MKT 210
Operations Management SCM 352


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Bilbao Business Finance FIN 301
Business Spanish SPAN 316
Corporate Finance FIN 406
Consumer Behavior MKT 312
Global Economics ECON 493
Human Resource Management MGT 367
Intercultural Communication COM 412
International Finance FIN 308
International Marketing MKT 456
International Strategic Management MGT 323
International Tourism Management TCA 499
Management and Leadership MGT 323
Marketing Principles MKT 210
Operations Management SCM 352
Spanish Business Culture: Field Experience and Case Studies BUS 300


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Chiang Mai
Business Ethics and Sustainability MGT 485
Environmental Economics ECON 307
International Business Management MGT 480
International Management and Organizational Behavior MGT 301
Social Entrepreneurship BUS 400
World Economic Issues ECON 462


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Business Spanish SPAN 316
Global Business Management: The Viticulture and Wine Industry MGT 491
Intercultural Negotiation SPAN 442
International Business: Latin America MGT 480
International Marketing MKT 456
Operations Management SCM 352
Sports Marketing MKT 492
Start Ups and Entrepreneurship BUS 400
Viticulture Field Study* WLL 295

*Field Study courses have an additional fee

Updated: 7 Apr 2023

Course offerings must meet minimum enrollments and are subject to change.