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Alicante, Spain Advising Guides

The following is a list of USAC Specialty Program courses scheduled to be offered in the upcoming academic terms and their corresponding UNR equivalents. Visit USAC's UNR advising guides' to view guides for other programs or disciplines. Course details are available on USAC's website'. Speak with your academic advisor to see how these courses fit into your University of Nevada, Reno degree program.

2025 Summer Session I

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
GEOG 435 Conservation of Natural Resources 3 Sustainable Development: Principles and Policies
PEX 199 Special Topic 1 Sailing
PSC 405H International Human Rights 3 Human Rights and Global Development
PSC 405J The European Union 3 Economic and Political Institutions of the European Union
SPAN 111 First Year Spanish I 4 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 112 First Year Spanish II 4 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 211 Second Year Spanish I 3 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Second Year Spanish II 3 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 305 Spanish Composition I 3 Spanish Composition I
SPAN 306 Spanish Composition II 3 Spanish Composition II
SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills 3 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills
SPAN 321 Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 Spanish Culture and Civilization
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 490 Modern Spanish Literature 3 Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Short Story

2025 Summer Session II

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
COM 412 Intercultural Communication 3 Intercultural Communication in Professional Contexts
PEX 199 Special Topic 1 Sailing
PSC 407Z Special Topics in Comparative Politics 3 Spain Today: Politics, Government, and Society
SPAN 111 First Year Spanish I 4 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 112 First Year Spanish II 4 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 211 Second Year Spanish I 3 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Second Year Spanish II 3 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 305 Spanish Composition I 3 Spanish Composition I
SPAN 306 Spanish Composition II 3 Spanish Composition II
SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills 3 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 411 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II 3 Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 490 Modern Spanish Literature 3 Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Poetry

2025 Summer – Internship

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
SPAN 495 Independent Study in Spanish 3 Spanish for Hospitality and Tourism Professions

2025 Fall

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
COM 412 Intercultural Communication 3 Intercultural Communication in Professional Contexts
GEOG 435 Conservation of Natural Resources 3 Sustainable Development: Principles and Policies
HIST 498 Advanced Historical Studies 3 History of Spain I: Up to the Twentieth-Century
PEX 199 Special Topic 1 Sailing
PSC 405H International Human Rights 3 Human Rights and Global Development
PSC 405J The European Union 3 Economic and Political Institutions of the European Union
SPAN 111 First Year Spanish I 4 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 112 First Year Spanish II 4 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 211 Second Year Spanish I 3 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Second Year Spanish II 3 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 305 Spanish Composition I 3 Spanish Composition I
SPAN 306 Spanish Composition II 3 Spanish Composition II
SPAN 307 Writing for Spanish Heritage Speakers 3 Spanish Composition for Heritage Speakers
SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills 3 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills
SPAN 321 Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 Spanish Culture and Civilization
SPAN 353 Masterworks of Spanish Peninsular Lit to 1700 3 Survey of Spanish Literature I
SPAN 400 Practicum in Spanish in the Community 1 - 3 Service Learning
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Integrated Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 411 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II 3 Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 411 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II 3 Integrated Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 412 Advanced Translation 3 Advanced Translation
SPAN 441 Seminar in Linguistic Studies 3 Hispanic Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism
SPAN 451 Seminar in Hispanic Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 3 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
SPAN 490 Modern Spanish Literature 3 Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Short Story
SW 498 Special Problems 1 - 3 Service Learning
To Be Determined 3 Internship

2026 January Session

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
PSC 405J The European Union 3 Economic and Political Institutions of the European Union
SPAN 211 Second Year Spanish I 3 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Second Year Spanish II 3 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 321 Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 Spanish Culture and Civilization
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Advanced Spanish I

2026 Spring

Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.

UNR # UNR Course Credits USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad)
COM 412 Intercultural Communication 3 Intercultural Communication in Professional Contexts
GEOG 435 Conservation of Natural Resources 3 Sustainable Development: Principles and Policies
HIST 498 Advanced Historical Studies 3 History of Spain II: Twentieth Century
PSC 405H International Human Rights 3 Human Rights and Global Development
PSC 405J The European Union 3 Economic and Political Institutions of the European Union
PSC 407A Political Systems of Western Europe 3 Government and Politics in Spain
SPAN 111 First Year Spanish I 4 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 112 First Year Spanish II 4 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 211 Second Year Spanish I 3 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Second Year Spanish II 3 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 305 Spanish Composition I 3 Spanish Composition I
SPAN 306 Spanish Composition II 3 Spanish Composition II
SPAN 307 Writing for Spanish Heritage Speakers 3 Spanish Composition for Heritage Speakers
SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills 3 Spanish Conversation and Oral Skills
SPAN 312 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology 3 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
SPAN 321 Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 Spanish Culture and Civilization
SPAN 354 Masterworks of Spanish Peninsular Lit, 1700-Pres. 3 Survey of Spanish Literature II
SPAN 400 Practicum in Spanish in the Community 1 - 3 Service Learning
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I 3 Integrated Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 411 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II 3 Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 411 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II 3 Integrated Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 412 Advanced Translation 3 Advanced Translation
SPAN 441 Seminar in Linguistic Studies 3 Applied Linguistics: Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
SPAN 490 Modern Spanish Literature 3 Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Spanish Narrative
SW 498 Special Problems 1 - 3 Service Learning
WLL 495 Independent Study 1 - 3 Foreign Language Teaching Internship
To Be Determined 3 Internship

Visit us in the Virginia St. Gym next to Church Fine Arts; walk-in advising available. | | 775-784-6569