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Agriculture and Natural Resources UNR Specialty Advising Guide

Agricultural Science, Conservation, and Natural Resources

The following USAC Specialty programs offer courses and internships targeted to the academic needs and interests of Agricultural Science, Conservation, and Natural Resources programs.

Please visit program course pages for course descriptions and terms offered; and meet with your academic advisor to see how you can best fit study abroad into your University of Nevada, Reno degree program. Syllabi are available upon request at

Disciplines by Specialty Program Location

Costa Rica | Thailand | Uruguay

Costa Rica

Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Introduction to Tropical Conservation - Maintaining Biodiversity BIOL 298
Plants and People BIOL 298
Water in Tropical Landscapes NRES 485
Water in Tropical Landscapes - Field Study* NRES 485


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Chiang Mai
Business Ethics and Sustainability MGT 485
Sustainable Agreculture Development GEOG 491


Program City Course Title UNR Course Number
Natural Resource Management GEOG 435
Sustainability in Latin America GEOG 300
Viticulture Field Study* WLL 295

*Field Study courses have an additional fee

Updated: 7 Apr 2023

Course offerings must meet minimum enrollments and are subject to change.