Pau, France Advising Guides
The following is a list of USAC Specialty Program courses scheduled to be offered in the upcoming academic terms and their corresponding UNR equivalents. Visit USAC's UNR advising guides' to view guides for other programs or disciplines. Course details are available on USAC's website'. Speak with your academic advisor to see how these courses fit into your University of Nevada, Reno degree program.
Available terms
2025 Summer Session I
Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.
UNR # | UNR Course | Credits | USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad) |
ART 397 | Adv Field Study | 1 | Survey of Art: European/Western Art |
FREN 111 | Elementary French I | 4 | First Year French I |
FREN 112 | Elementary French II | 4 | First Year French II |
FREN 211 | Second Year French I | 3 | Second Year French I |
FREN 212 | Second Year French II | 3 | Second Year French II |
FREN 305 | French Composition I | 3 | Third Year French I |
FREN 306 | French Composition II | 3 | Third Year French II |
FREN 309 | French Conversation | 1 | French Conversation |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Fourth Year French I |
FREN 408 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition II | 3 | Fourth Year French II |
FREN 469 | The Seventeenth Century in French Literature | 3 | French Theatre: Molière |
GEOG 435 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 | Sustainability in France |
WLL 495 | Independent Study | 3 | France Today |
To Be Determined | 3 | Food and Culture |
2025 Summer Session II
Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.
UNR # | UNR Course | Credits | USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad) |
FREN 111 | Elementary French I | 4 | First Year French I |
FREN 112 | Elementary French II | 4 | First Year French II |
FREN 211 | Second Year French I | 3 | Second Year French I |
FREN 212 | Second Year French II | 3 | Second Year French II |
FREN 305 | French Composition I | 3 | Third Year French I |
FREN 306 | French Composition II | 3 | Third Year French II |
FREN 309 | French Conversation | 1 | French Conversation |
FREN 309 | French Conversation | 1 | Theatre in French |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Fourth Year French I |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Seminar in French Language |
FREN 408 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition II | 3 | Fourth Year French II |
FREN 495 | Independent Study in French | 1 | La Chanson Française: Then and Now |
GEOL 495 | Special Problems | 1 | Environmental Geology of the Pyrenees |
WLL 295 | Independent Language Study | 1 | Contemporary French Culture and Civilization |
2025 Fall
Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.
UNR # | UNR Course | Credits | USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad) |
FREN 111 | Elementary French I | 4 | First Year French I |
FREN 112 | Elementary French II | 4 | First Year French II |
FREN 211 | Second Year French I | 3 | Second Year French I |
FREN 212 | Second Year French II | 3 | Second Year French II |
FREN 305 | French Composition I | 3 | Third Year French I |
FREN 306 | French Composition II | 3 | Third Year French II |
FREN 309 | French Conversation | 1 - 3 | French Conversation |
FREN 341 | Introduction to the History of French Literature I | 3 | Survey of French Literature I |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Fourth Year French I |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Seminar in French Language |
FREN 408 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition II | 3 | Fourth Year French II |
FREN 441 | Seminar in Language and Literature | 3 | French Stylistics |
FREN 441 | Seminar in Language and Literature | 3 | Language and Cinema |
FREN 491 | The Twentieth Century in French Literature | 3 | Twentieth-Century and Contemporary French Literature |
PSC 407A | Political Systems of Western Europe | 3 | Government and Politics in France |
SOC 235 | Introduction to the Sociology of Climate Change | 3 | Climate Change: Nature and Society |
WLL 470 | Multiculturalism in Literature and Film | 3 | European Cinema |
WLL 495 | Independent Study | 3 | French for Health Professions |
WLL 495 | Independent Study | 3 | Survey of Art I: European/Western Art |
To Be Determined | 3 | Business French | |
To Be Determined | 3 | French Culture and Civilization |
2026 Spring
Course offerings are subject to meeting minimum student enrollments and are subject to change.
UNR # | UNR Course | Credits | USAC Courses (name of course taught abroad) |
COM 412 | Intercultural Communication | 3 | Intercultural Communication |
FREN 111 | Elementary French I | 4 | First Year French I |
FREN 112 | Elementary French II | 4 | First Year French II |
FREN 211 | Second Year French I | 3 | Second Year French I |
FREN 212 | Second Year French II | 3 | Second Year French II |
FREN 305 | French Composition I | 3 | Third Year French I |
FREN 306 | French Composition II | 3 | Third Year French II |
FREN 309 | French Conversation | 1 - 3 | French Conversation |
FREN 316 | French For Business | 3 | Business French |
FREN 342 | Introduction to the History of French Literature II | 3 | Survey of French Literature II |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Fourth Year French I |
FREN 407 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition I | 3 | Seminar in French Language |
FREN 408 | Advanced French Grammar and Composition II | 3 | Fourth Year French II |
FREN 441 | Seminar in Language and Literature | 3 | French Stylistics |
FREN 491 | The Twentieth Century in French Literature | 3 | Twentieth-Century and Contemporary French Literature |
GEOG 435 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 | Sustainability in France |
PSC 407A | Political Systems of Western Europe | 3 | Government and Politics in France |
WLL 470 | Multiculturalism in Literature and Film | 3 | European Cinema |
WLL 495 | Independent Study | 3 | France Today |
WLL 495 | Independent Study | 3 | French for Health Professions |
To Be Determined | 3 | Internship |
Visit us in the Virginia St. Gym next to Church Fine Arts; walk-in advising available. | | 775-784-6569